
Friday, 18 March 2016

A grandparent

A grandparent

Have you ever seen an old man  that is tall with a wrinkled face and grey hair sticking out of his nose? I have and he's my grandpa.

My grandpa always watches the news . Whenever we go there and make loads of  noise  well he's watching the news, he would say ‘shut up’ or ‘go outside and play but don't play at the backyard’. He says that especially when the sport is on. My grandpa always watches horse races. Whenever the horse race comes on he is sitting on the edge of the chair cheering for the horse that he wants to win.
‘go, go, yes’.
My grandpa tells bad  jokes every time. Everytime he tells a joke and he finished it, he’s the only one laughing. It's an awkward moment. My grandpa smells like old men perfume, every time we go there the same smell goes up my nose .

My grandpa is not stubborn. Once  he said ‘you're not coming off to  the shop’ next thing you now he says ‘ come on let's go shop for your lunch.

Even tho he has bad jokes and smells like old men perfume, he is the best grandpa I could ever have.