The Four Doors
This is 10 + if you don't like gruesome stuff exit this tab. Enter at your own risk.
Behind door one was a treasure chest “yes I'm going to richer then bill gates” I open the chest and I see millions of gold. But when I opened the chest three chambers appeared out of the blue, the chambers open, two horrible beast come trotting out. One of the beast look like a rhino , instead the horn was as long as a giraffe's neck . It had four eyes but they were not on the head , two were on the tip of the horn and the other two were on its butt. The other thing was a sabertooth ,a big sabertooth, a sabertooth that is bigger than a elephant . One thing that made them in common was that they looked like they came back from the dead, which means the looked like zombies . They charged at me and I ran as fast as I could I was getting chased. But while I was getting chased, I thought about why did a third chamber appear ,there was no third monster. I thrashed into the first chamber but suddenly I came out of the second chamber. Then I zoomed into the third chamber and a door appeared out of nowhere, I opened the door and then I escaped.
Behind door two was a beautiful sunny beach it was heaven not unto the beach disappeared and another chest appeared. I didn't want to open it since the last door, so I walk to the door ,but suddenly I got dragged by a power , to the chest I tried to run to the door but the power that was holding me was to strong. It was like someone had the force and tried to make me open the chest. I was fighting with the power. It was to strong it overtook me, it made me open the chest. I looked inside the chest and I see a little boy at the very very bottom screaming, “help, help get me out of here”. In a high pitch voice. I reach out to grab him but I can't reach him, I try again but he's too far away, I try again and then I fall in. I'm falling for hours and hours and hours, I'm thinking I'm falling to my death, but no the floor was as soft as a pillow. I look around and I see a person, I think it's the little boy, but this person was not a little boy he was as old as my grandpa which is 79 years old, But he said the same words as the little boy that I saw , but not in a high pitch voice but a low crackling voice. I look around again and I see a ladder near by. I asked the man why didn't he climb the ladder but he ignored me. So I picked myself up and started climbing, I was climbing and climbing and climbing. My arms were dead but I managed to make it to halfway I kept climbing until I heard a evil laugh, I looked down and I saw a lady with a long nose and had green skin. She screamed and said “you will never escape this chest, you are just climbing to your death,ha ha ha ha”. I ignored her and kept climbing I was nearly at the top but then these vines came out of nowhere they strapped around me like what a snake does to its prey, I was fighting hard with the snake like veins. They ripped of my cloths and I got free. I got out but then one vine grabbed my leg I tried to run but it was to strong I grabbed it with my arms I ripped it apart. I ran to the door and escaped I was alive.

Behind door three was a little boy crying in the corner covering his face with his hand’s the room was dark. I ask the boy if he was ok but he continued crying, I asked him again but this time he didn't continue crying he stopped he took his hands of his face and looked at me in a angry way. He looked hideous he had one eye hanging limply of his face. He had blood coming out of his mouth, I couldn't bare looking at him. Then he open is mouth and screamed at me ‘get out’! I went for the door but then it shut and disappeared he was screaming louder I had nowhere to go, he run at me I started running away we were going in circles not until a door appeared I ran to open it lukly I escaped, that was horrible.
Behind door 4 which is the last door was just my family, my peaceful family . I was about to run to hug them, but then my mum said stop don't move a inch. I stopped and waited for them to say something but they didn't say anything. They did something there heads turned into snakes. My sister chased after me and bit my head off. I woke up and , wait I woke up I was dreaming all along, but not until I saw my family with snakes as their heads I was still laying down in my bed , But something was weird I saw a man sitting on my bedroom window sill wearing a mask and holding a gun. The last sound that I heard was bang! I was dead.

Henry, I'm glad you gave the readers a warning because its pretty gruesome.